At the upcoming LDV Vision Summit this June 4th, I'll be coordinating an Entrepreneurial Computer Vision Challenge together with Serge Belongie.
Teams can choose from three problem domains involving shoe attributes, egocentric (first person)video and YouTube video text [1].
This is a quick-turnaround event judged by a panel of experts from academia and industry including Gary Bradski, Tamara Berg and Navneet Dalal.
For more information on the Vision Summit, see http://visionsummit.net and for details on the Entrepreneurial Computer Vision Challenge and an application form, see here.
You can register for the event using the discount code "JanErik" to get 40% off (first 20 to use the code get it). Hope to see you in New York!
[1] Shoe attribute and egocentric video datasets kindly provided by Kristen Grauman's lab at UT Austin.